Category: From the Road

Sooners v. Cornhuskers with Dan
I don’t know how to say this, but I’m kind of a big deal.
Reserved Parking Yes.

Barney Cabin 2022
Selfie The whole crew.

Take me Home…
Mountain Man… Lake Olympics, archery. Lake O’Woods Baby Dane A long time ago (1996, I think).

Santa Monica (again)

Well, yeah.

Starting my Stand Up Class
But first, an olde haunt Here comes trouble
Boomer Sooner
So, Oklahoma football. Growing up in the boonies in Oklahoma was perhaps a bit too-alike Varsity Blues. Except, I was not James Van Der Beek. Or, really, anyone in that movie. I was some nerd in the stands you never saw, except that the town was small enough that I was on the golf team…
Ignacio Ignacious
So, I\’m at the UCLA Medical Center getting my wrist-arthrogram on. My wrist is crazy swollen all filled with the Barium injection stuff. At least I think it\’s Barium. Anyway, it\’s a good time. Sounds like there\’s nothing wrong. Great. So, I guess that means it\’s been on-and-off hurting for like 2 years for no…