Okay, so I was a bit premature in my posting. I\’d not quite finished the last chapter. I was literally four pages away from the following: How wicked it would be, if we could, to call the dead back! She said not to me but to the chaplain, \’I am at peace with God.\’ She…
Category: Books
Look Away (Into Heaven Fair)
I sang that song as a baritone (long before I really was a baritone) in 5th grade music class. Ahhh, Ms. Patello. She was a lovely woman. I\’m glad she was my teacher. Apparently, after looking around on the Internets a bit for some lyrics or other tidbit about this song, I am one of…
Kierkegaard, Tipping Points & Ronald Reagan
Well, I\’m still reading Soren Kierkegaard: A Biography. It’s a beast to get through. Large chapters dedicated to each year of Kierkegaard’s life. It’s some dense reading, but I’m loving it. I\’ve been learning things things about Soren\’s father, brother & fiancé (subsequently his ex-fiance). It is also interesting that the author notes that Kierkegaard…