Tag: pictures

Bob’s Pig Shop – still great after all these years.
via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/DDAWNMxp6Gc/

Tom Cruise still runs funny.
So many movies, so much running. Tom Cruise still runs funny. Also, motorcycles 2x in this one. Always with the motorcycles.

Argentina Day 3 – 11/22/2023
So, today was the first full day in Argentina. It was a bit rough to get down to El Chalten to begin the trip in earnest. The flight was at 6:00 am, so I left the hotel at 3:00 am. This, after arriving the previous day from a total of about 15 hours flying, at…

Chile Day 11 – 11/30/2023 – W Day Two
After day one, I was pretty wiped out. I had not fully recovered from my vomiting and delirium for basically 24 hours straight. Then, only two days removed, I did a MASSIVE hike, in the snow, below zero, with 4600 feet of elevation gain. Looking at the schedule, I saw that W Trek Day two…

Chile Day 10 – 11/29/2023 – W Day One
The W Day One (we were going East to West) was legitimately tough. We tackled the Tres Torres first. It’s another crazy day of hiking, which ended up being about 15 miles and nearly 4700 feet elevation gain. Much as with Lago de los Tres, the last bit of this hiking was little more than…

Chile Day 9 – 11/28/2023 – Transfer to Puerto Natales
The following day, we caught a public bus from el Calafate to Puerto Natales. This drive takes about six hours. I was RIGHT up front, which was nice (we got a view the entire ride), but also a bit cramped. I tried to sleep and mostly-failed. The Chilean border crossing was a trip. Argentina was…