Boomer! Smokey! Feeling real! Fun to see Bustos! This cupcake was fantastic! Client products are a fave. I hope this is true. Living my best beard.
Category: Games
Super Duper

USC Games Class
USC today, teaching at the Bridge games program.
Super Mario
This is at some store in the Westside Pavilion.
The Wii
I\’d like to write, and probably will once the console comes out, a description of my feelings about the Wii. In some ways… its beautiful and elegant. In other ways, its clunky, misguided and frustrating. I read an article today. He sums up, very well, my current feelings of excitement and frustration. Perhaps I\’ll take…
Civilization IV
This game is awesome. Civilization IV, the fourth of this name by Sid Meier, is better in every way from Civilization III. I didn\’t pick up Civ III until almost a year after it came out. Even then it felt, as one review I read, complicated. Sure, you say, every Civilization game has to be…
E3 2005 – New Game Consoles
The new consoles have been unveiled. There is much praise and adoration to go around. The Playstation 3 has its press-release just hours before the \”official\” and previously-announced press-release of the Xbox 360. First of all, this is an obvious ploy to help dampen the hooplah around the display of their chief competition which will…