Okay, so I love Zooey Deschanel. Case in point:

The short version is she has style, intelligence and is ridiculously cute. So, she was in Yes Man with Jim Carey this winter. I thought it was great fun. Her “pretend” band Munchausen By Proxy has several songs in the movie I recently purchased on iTunes simply because they are hilarious.
The first is “Sweet Ballad” embedded below.
The second is “Uh-Huh” the lyrics of which are reproduced below:
I should have been the one to break up with you
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
I wanna snap your neck and spit on you.
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
If I got a call and said you were dead
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
I\’d shrug my shoulders and I say what-ev
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
Hey have we met before? Oh yeah I think we have
Because we only dated for four and a half years
No big deal, I’ve only witnessed you sitting on the couch
Watching Next in your undies,
But its cool that you act like you have no idea who I am.
I saw you Amoeba records last night
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
You straighten your hair and had a henna tatto
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
I wanna shove your face just shove it.
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
My mother thinks youre in the closet
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
Its so weird because when we used to go out you never even liked the TJ wantons
And now we have to drive all the way to marvista or some stupid place and eat
Some stupid butter-nut squash raviolli or something because you took the last bag like some
immature little clown.
I saw you Thursday at the Arclight
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
I was on a date you ruined my night
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
I saw you shopping at the trader just
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
I see you everywhere it really blows.
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
Hey, did you ever meet my friend Ian?
He\’s a coumputer hacker.
He helped me erase your Myspace page,
And your band’s Myspace page,
And your Facebook page.
Happy networking asshole.
So remember all the stuff you forgot
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
After you just bought.
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
I\’d like to see the look on your greasy face.
You said, Who are you? Who are you?
It sold for sixteen hundy on eBay?
He said, I know you. I know you.
One of the reasons I like the movie is that it is very “LA.” They openly mock the middle of the country (from which I am from, thank you very much), there are a number of prime LA locations in the film (such as SpaceLand, the Griffith Observatory and Downtown LA). Obviously, a few others are mentioned (and linked) in the song above.
If you’re not from LA, you mght not really appreciate those lyrics, but if you’ve lived here a while, you get the picture that the singer (and her ex) is a bit of a hipster around LA. TJ’s (Trader Joes), Amoeba Music and Arclight (perhaps the Arclight least) are demonstrative of a hipster lifestyle. Anyway, its very nice color on the backdrop of Zooey’s character as you are meeting her, essentially, for the second time. You learn alot about her if you are paying attention during the songs without exposition. That is always nice in a film.
Anyway, I found the music funny and somewhat sound-nice-ish. So, I thought I’d share.
So, I found this website attached to the name Jonathan Pearce. I thought to myself “Hey, I wonder if that’s the guy I shared an apartment with in college?” I only had to read as far as “Okay, so I love Zooey Deschanel…” before I said “Yep, that’s J.P. alright” Glad to see you’re still rocking the SoCal dream. I don’t know why but all the sudden last week I got a wicked case of Pepperdine nostalgia and started to try to find everyone (Ok, maybe I didn’t try too hard with some people), but dang, JP, I miss ya man! I think you were the only thing that held back a torrential flow of garbage and dishes spewing from other unnamed roommates. Find a reason to move to New Mexico so I can relive my youth before I turn 30 this year would ya.