This was 6/21, the day before my birthday, and I decided to get up insanely early to get to Nikka Brewery at its opening, since I was supposed to pick up my rental at 11. I would definitely be late, every train to Otaru was a local, and took about 40 min. Then I boarded the cutest single-car train ever for two stops to Yoichi, Nikka’s original brewery.
Apparently, the founder of Nikka went to Scotland to learn to make whisky. Then married a nice Scottish girl and Brough her back to Yoichi, where he founded his brewery. I got into a Japanese language tour (no reservation, which I didn’t realize was necessary, but I got the last spot anyway), and bought some gifts for friends.
Then, I hurried to my train to make a train back to New Chitose Airport to get my rental car and begin the drive to Lake Shinsoku where I was staying at a crazy nice place. oh, but first got the right item at the local Tan Tan place.

Driving is weird on the wrong side of the road, with a max speed of 50 km/h (about 38 mph I think?). But, it was fine. I walked around my hotel grounds, which basically fronted a national park lake. The hotel had a fantastic onsen, which I gave my first go. It was excellent. I’m sold, after years and years of extreme modesty. And had a mind boggling Japanese dinner, served in my room. oh, and the room was HUGE, with my own onsen in the room!