This was a bit tougher day. A total of about 8 hours on two trains. At least this time I caught the right ones. It’s surprising how tiring it is managing all the planes trains and automobiles in a foreign language and on a schedule to make your day work.
I left Tokyo early Tuesday the 20th of June on a Shinkansen for Hakodate. It doesn’t go all the way to Sapporo just yet. That took 4 hours at 200 mph (or so) on an express (6 stops I think?). Then I boarded an ordinary train for another 4 hours to Sapporo. Thankfully, my hotel was in the train station, which is quite common and nice in Japan. It’s something to get used to as airport hotels can be nice, but often are very simple. This hotel was VERY nice.
I found a ramen place, ordered the wrong thing (still great!), and basically went to bed. Was planning on getting my rental car early the next day, but in the 8 hours in the train I realized my favorite whisky is distilled in Yoichi, about an hour from Sapporo by train. Still, was absolutely destroyed after that day.