So, I have jury duty. I had hoped I would get the classic call in five times and then move along with my life, but, here I am his morning enjoying beautiful Van Nuys.
I’ve been here several times, none of them have been great. My first visit to this courthouse was in the summer of 2003. I had just been hired as a law clerk for Kleinberg & Lerner and we had a trial involving the Rhodes Piano intellectual property. It was an odd one, in that it was really a probate issue, with the IP issue being tangential.
But, the real excitement came on day three of our trial, when I witnessed a very poor shot trying to kill his attorney.
Turns out the shots did land, the attorney was just impressively stout.
Another time, I came was to fight my insane neighbor from jackhammering for what ended up being more than a month of weekdays to hollow out a mountain near my then-home, to build a giant, tri-level monstrosity next to my home. I was unsuccessful.
But today I was successful!